Mike’s Success Story

Mike is a 30 year old male who lost his income as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic back in March of 2020 and was subsequently evicted from his apartment. He used his unemployment benefits to move into a hotel. In September of 2021 his unemployment benefits ended leaving him with no income other than SNAP benefits for food. He applied for numerous jobs during the pandemic to no avail.  Mike applied to the Emergency Rent & Utilities Coalition (ERUC) and received temporary assistance to cover the cost of the hotel. Once those benefits ran out, and Mike still could not find work, he became homeless.  

Thankfully in late October of this year, he contacted Pottstown Beacon of Hope.  We were able to assist Mike with obtaining an ID and securing employment with Martha’s Choice Marketplace & Community Farm in Norristown.  When Mike finished working at 8:00 PM, he would take public transportation back to Pottstown.  We would then pick him up and transport him to our Warming Center at St. Paul’s U.C.C. While staying with us, Mike saved his money and was enrolled in the Your Way Home rapid rehousing program.  Today we are proud to report that Mike has moved into an apartment.


John’s Success Story